Friday, November 02, 2007


Science Homework for Friday 9th November 2007

These are the questions that you and your friends wanted answers to.
Can you find the answer to 2 of the questions and send the answers to me on the blog.
Remember that I give stars to people that remember VCOP when they write.

1. How is it that birds can touch electric wires and not die?

2. Does the sun make electricity?

3. Why do TV's sometimes stop working in a storm?

4. Why don't we have plugs in bathrooms?

5. What is static electricity?

Hi Mrs Ransome
If you try to put a plug in when your hands are wet,you will get a electric shock. Static electricity is electricity at rest. It is produced by friction when you rub two things together.
Ben B
Hi Mrs Ransome,

Static electricity is when you rub two materials together an example of this is when you rub a balloon on your head and your hair sticks up.

Birds do not get electrocuted when sitting on wires because they are not touching earth so they do not make a full circuit.

Electricity produced from sunlight
is called solar power.

We dont have elecric sockets in our bathroom because if you mix elecritciy and water together you will get electrocuted.

I liked this homwork.
from Lucy stop working in a storm because the storm cuts off the power cable.

4.we do not have plugs in bathrooms because it may get wet and electrocute you
hi miss ransome

does the electricity come from the sun?
the electricity does come from te sun.
what is static electricity?there are 2 candes of matiel and one is negitive and the over 1 is positive and then they touch each over then they come apart.
from j.j
To Miss Ramsome
It is possible for birds to sit on eletricity wires because the bird is only touches one wire.

It is bad to have a plug in the bathroom because if there is some water laying around you might get an electric shock.
hi miss ramsome i now why tvs stop
working when there is a storm
because the wind pushes the singal
away from the satallite.

from callum
hi miss ramsome i now why tvs stop
working when there is a storm
because the wind pushes the singal
away from the satallite.

from callum
Hi Mrs Ransome
1. Birds don't get shocked for the same reason when you touch a lamp cord, because the wires are insulated with a material that does not conduct electricity.
2. The sun does not make electricity but we get energy from the sun to make electricity. Example solar power energy.
from Katie H
HI mrs ransome the sun does not
make eletricey because if it rains
or thunder it mightb kill you sometimes or you migh get eletric
shock. You know why we dont have
plugs in your bathroom because if
you flud the bathroom and it flowes
over you will set your house on
fire or you will blow your house
up. casey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Mrs Ransome
I know the answer to these questions.

Why don't they have plugs in bathrooms?
Answer: they don't have plugs in bathrooms because it might get wet and you might get electrocuted.

Why don't TVs work sometimes in a storm?
Answer: Lightning crashes on to the aerial and the aerial is attached to the TV and it vibrates to the TV.

From Leah
Hi Mrs Ransome
We don't have plugs in the bathroom
because you could get an electric shock if water went in the socket.

the sun makes electricity using
solar panels.
Hi Miss R How is it that birds can touch electric wires and not die you ask? Well the wire is not neutral it is live.Birds do not get electocuted because they are not connected to the earth and therefore do not complete a circuit
through wich the electricity can
flow.why don't we have plugs in
bathrooms? I am not sure if you are
aware, but electricity and water
are not good combinations.

from Ben ubhi
you dont have plugs in bath room
because if you spill water on the
plug the fues will blow.

from callum.b
Hi miss Randsome
Here are the answers for you;
A bird doesn't get electrocuted because a bird only touches one line, if the bird were to touch another line or pole the electricity would travel through the bird,either to the ground or another wire.

You can get electricity from the sun using solar panels.They use the heat from the sun to warm up water and generate steam which can be transformed into electricity.

Your tv sometimes stops working in a storm because the satellite connection will have been lost.

We dont have plugs in our bathroom because water and electricity does not mix.Also the steam generated from warm water may get into the plug.

Static electricity is an electrical charge that builds up due to friction between two dissimilar materials.Friction removes some electrons from one object and deposits them on the other.
bye miss Randsome, love from Kerri xxxxx
Why don't you have plugs in bathrooms?
because it isn't safe to go near
electricity when your wet because
electricity and water don't mix.

Does the sun make electricity?
Yes, we use solar panels. When sunlight hits a solar panel, it makes electrons in the silicon move around. The electrons flow through wires that were built into the solar panel. And presto! We have electricity!

Sun is made in to elecrictey through solar powerd panels.
You shoudent have plugs in bathrooms because water and elecrictey are very dangerous, and bathrooms are full of steam.

By connor briggs.
Hi Miss 1.why dont they have plugs in your bathroom beacuse you can not have plugs nay weater or you cud get a electric shock. is it that birds toch electric wires with out dying.because when they toch the wires they are not grounded.this meen that they havend got eny of their feet on the ground.if they did they wood get an electric shock and they wood die. from georgina marshall
Sorry my homework is late the internet was not working. Small birds do not die when they touch an electric wire because there is no other element to complete the circuit. The sun can make electricity if you use big mirrors called solar panels they make energy which makes electrcity.
From Jordan
Hi miss ransome i want here last week so i am doing my homwork today i no the ansew to why birds can touch eltric wires?because it int a full circuit.You shoudnt have plugs in bathrooms?because if vare is some water laying around you could get an eletric shok.
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